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How to boot Windows 10 into the BIOS

Windows 10 gives you many configuration options directly within the operating system, but on every laptop or desktop, there are some settings you can only change in the BIOS (basic input/output system). This software is built right into your computer's motherboard, and it controls everything from the boot order of your drives to preboot security options to whether the Fn key on your keyboard activates a function key or a media control.

However, since the BIOS is a pre-boot environment, you can't access it directly from within Windows. On some older computers (or those deliberately set to boot slowly), you can hit a function key such as F1 or F2 at power-on to enter the BIOS.

However, most computers made in the past four years boot Windows 10 far too quickly to listen for a keypress at startup. To access your BIOS on a Windows 10 machine, you must follow these steps.

How to enter the BIOS on a Windows 10 PC

1.  Navigate to Settings. You can get there by clicking the gear icon on the Start menu.

Click Settings

(Image credit: Future)

2. Select Update & Security.

Select Update & Security

(Image credit: Future)

3. Select Recovery from the left menu.

Select Recovery from the left menu

(Image credit: Future)

4. Click Restart Now under Advanced startup. The computer will reboot to a special menu.

Click Restart now

(Image credit: Future)

5. Click Troubleshoot.

Click Troubleshoot

6. Click Advanced options.

Select Advanced options

7. Select UEFI Firmware Settings. If you don't see this icon, then press Startup Settings instead. When your PC is restarting, tap F1 (or F2) to access the BIOS.

Select UEFI Firmware Settings

8. Click Restart.

Click Restart

Your system will restart and take you to the BIOS.

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Author: Megan Valencia

Last Updated: 1704612722

Views: 1970

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Author information

Name: Megan Valencia

Birthday: 2022-10-18

Address: 812 William Stravenue Apt. 482, Nancyhaven, TX 44999

Phone: +4141820047990373

Job: Article Writer

Hobby: Running, Chess, Telescope Building, Amateur Radio, Camping, Bird Watching, Cross-Stitching

Introduction: My name is Megan Valencia, I am a courageous, unreserved, tenacious, persistent, resolved, capable, proficient person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.