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A recycled PET egg tray will be on display by Kiefel Packaging at K 2019

Table of Contents

    The design demands were obvious: Uncompromised functionality and mechanical strength of the tray. Meticulous analysis and re-engineering of the material, tray and processing have led to a tray which is of similar or better quality to the ones available in virgin PS or PET.

    The use of Kiefel’s new premium flatbed tooling in combination with the trendsetting new generation flatbed KMD thermoformers significantly streamlined development.

    Design for recycling

    Kiefel’s Design for Recycling program systematically bundles the company’s expertise to rethink the customers’ products. Every detail of the product is re-assessed and rethought together with the customers. The customers are supported in all steps of their product development cycle: From material and product composition, up to the optimal requirements for their tools and thermoforming process.

    Next to a transition to 100% PCR material, Kiefel Packaging offers the expertise and support for more drastic material changes: For instance, a switch to paper, pulp, or plant-based materials like PHA or PEF.


    Article information

    Author: Theresa Scott

    Last Updated: 1702971962

    Views: 675

    Rating: 3.7 / 5 (99 voted)

    Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Theresa Scott

    Birthday: 1925-12-11

    Address: 3193 Gordon Valleys Suite 354, Port Anthony, WI 10035

    Phone: +4675491720370018

    Job: Article Writer

    Hobby: Coffee Roasting, Surfing, Yoga, Card Games, Wildlife Photography, Hiking, Badminton

    Introduction: My name is Theresa Scott, I am a radiant, lively, receptive, vibrant, honest, Adventurous, Precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.